Tuesday, August 9, 2011


It's coming for me.
Without fail.

Make no mistake,
it has been waiting for me.

It starts on the surface of my skin
burns it's way inside.
Every inch of me
Were it not my meat
it would smell as sweet.

As painful as the flame is
forgotten with the brake of the first bone.
Pressure builds
I fold
more than I ever thought I could.

I'm dripping now.
Blood, saliva, urine, Sprite
draining out of me.

I still struggle.
I still try.
I can't help it.

I am less myself.
Smaller, dryer, darker, weaker,

My forces retreat
further and further back
buying time for a relief
that is not to come.

My mind is all that's left now.
I know it won't last.
Motor skills, language, logic, grudges,
color, flavor, bent, straight, love, hate
burning away.

I am less myself.
Little more than grey matter.

I retreat to the last bastion.
The last thing to give in.
The last part to lose hope.
The strongest part of me.

My memory of you.